just a poem dave chose for me to read

Less than one minute read time.

Remember Me

Do not shed tears when I have gone 
but smile instead because I have lived. 

Do not shut your eyes and pray to God that I’ll come back 
but open your eyes and see all that I have left behind. 

I know your heart will be empty because you cannot see me 
but still I want you to be full of the love we shared. 

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live only for yesterday 
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of what happened 
between us yesterday. 

You can remember me and grieve that I have gone 
or you can cherish my memory and let it live on. 

You can cry and lose yourself become distraught 
and turn your back on the world 
or you can do what I want - smile, wipe away the tears, 
learn to love again and go on.

*I can't go on. I must go on. I'll go on.
