Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • If your Doctors don't suspect it, they won't detect it

    One of the most discussed and debated Cancer issues is late diagnosis. Cyberspace is full of disturbing stories and many different cancers are involved. Some cancers are much more difficult to diagnose than others and this increases the need for more awareness campaigns. Neuroendocrine Cancer - also known as Neuroendocrine Tumours, or NETs for short, is one such cancer.  Statistics indicate that many patients are initially…

  • Living with Neuroendocrine Cancer - it takes guts

    The majority of Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) are slow-growing.  However, the tumours can be silent (non-functioning) for some years before they start to 'function' and inform you of their presence.  Even then, it may take some time to work out the real cause as the symptoms can mimic regular ailments.  Moreover, in most cases, the appearance of a functional tumour normally indicates the disease has spread and is now…

  • Palliative Care – it might just save your life


    When you’ve been diagnosed with cancer at an incurable stage, certain words start to mean more. Take ‘palliative’ for example.  Before I was diagnosed I had always associated the word ‘palliative’ with someone who had a terminal disease and this type of care was to make the final days/weeks as comfortable as possible. So it was a bit of a shock to find out that my treatment was palliative in…

  • Chemo or not Chemo – that is the question

     I’m continually seeing certain drugs for treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) described as chemotherapy. I think there must be some confusion with more modern drugs which are more targeted and work in a different way to Chemotherapy.

    I researched several sites and they all tend to provide a summary of chemotherapy which is worded like this:  Chemotherapy means:

    a treatment of cancer by using anti-cancer…

  • Neuroendocrine Tumours – benign vs malignant


    One of the most controversial aspects of Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) is the ‘benign vs malignant’ question.  It’s been widely debated and it frequently patrols the various patient forums and other social media platforms. It raises emotions and it triggers many responses ….. at least from those willing to engage in the conversation. At best, this issue can cause confusion, particularly to those…