kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird.....Sunday a day of rest!!!!!!


    After sleeping like a log due to being completely knackered because I, The Bird have after all these years, discovered paint rollers and am painting every thing in sight, has decided that today being Sunday and officially the day of rest, shall do just OK so I thought by writting that down I would convince myself of that fact but it doesn't really work with me!!!!!! The numbness and pins and needles I have…

  • Kezzerbird..The things we do for gas central heating!!!!


    Strange title, you may say, well, I have been given a grant to have gas cental heating put in my home by Warm front, my one gas fire and one storage heater that I have does not really do alot and in winter I freeze my butt off. Having a bath or shower in my house is a painful experience, Polar bears sit on my window sill laughing at me, watching with shear amazement while I run round blue with the cold in a small space…

  • Kezzerbird....Drew you are a diamond


    I wake up a silly o'clock and fire up my lap top and see the latest blog from our Drew and find myself crying with laughter, with Summit my dog looking at me and almost saying 'Now talking to yourself is one thing mum. but this laughter and dripping from the eye balls is another'. I shall never be able to hear Good bye Mary Lou in the same vain again. I found myself putting my pennies worth in and now I have wake up little…

  • kezzerbird..what a good idea!!!


    It is 6.15 am and I have just looked at the replies from my last blog and saw that our John r had mentioned 'who can fill a stoma bag the quickest', yes John I think our Drew is miles ahead of me LOL (I know, lovely topic for this time of the morning!!!!) I think it is time that Drew and I started off a new party game, the title being 'Who can blow the stoma bag off at a greater distance' but where would you practice…

  • kezzerbird.....I refuse to throw up, so there!!!!!!


    Cor, this chemo is trying to upset my routine, it will never do guys. I went body boarding after this second chemo, which was brilliant and was going to go yesterday but the old wanting to speak down the 'great white telephone' put pay to that. Picture, if you can, the bird hanging over the loo, saying 'I will not be sick, no, no no, I refuse to be sick' with a pack of anti sickness tabs in hand!!!!! I find talking to…