kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird.....Drew and the Bird!!!!


    Sorry guys to have to put you through this but it would seem that Drew and I are on a roll ( I would however just like to say for anyone new starting their own cancer journey and reading what Drew and i write, may wonder what is going on, both of us have been through hell and have come out the other side)

    I think that somewhere along the line, Drew and myself must be related, maybe from prehostoric times, either that…

  • Kezzerbird...I never knew I was so qualified!!!!!


    After stopping the tears from rolling down my face after reading our lovely Dangermouse slipper man Drew with the exploding bags blog, I would just like to say that I never realized I had that many qualifications, though you did forget the 'bike riding leather clad old girlie, Drew!!!!! Now I obviously have never lead a sheltered life, either bus shelter or Anderson shelter and luckily my stoma Henry does know how to…

  • Kezzerbird...Please somebody slap me!!!!!!


    Why oh why do I do this to myself, if having cancer isn't bad enough, why do I watch Jeremy Kyle in the mornings, why do I torcher myself watching these morons moaning about crap, 'I don't trust my boyfriend' or 'My boyfriend looks at my twin sister' or 'My boyfriends pays women to beat him up' Arrrrrrrrrrgh. So I am requesting that cyber slaps are sent my way please, and make em hard slaps!!!!!!!! The only good thing…

  • Kezzerbird....well rested!!!!!


    Surprise guys, I kept my word and did sod all yesterday but sleep, see miricles can happen!!!!! So today the Bird is refreshed and ready to crack on with some more jobs. Time to put my knickers on the outside of my clothes, I love being busy, sometimes I even forget about my cancer and I am sure the cancer doesn't like that, but tough eh!!!!! I might even go clubbing on Saturday, see what my door crew have been up to…

  • Kezzerbird...Monday the day of rest


    I The Bird do sware (oh bugger!) that today I am doing nothing!!!!! I completed all tasks yesterday, I have the cleanest animals in the world and my compost bins are all full (why  are my compost bins full, i recycle evrything including animal bedding), the water butt is full of fish water, which is very good for watering the garden, mind you it is monsoon season now in Cornwall so I don't know why I bothered doing that…