kezzerbird's blog

  • when is my next chemo?????


    Hello all the lovely people out there in Macland. The bird as recovered from body boarding although I am still buzzing from it and can't wait to get back out and do it again!!!!! I now, I'm not right in the head.......anyway..I should have been having chemo two out of this new lot on the Tuesday, but the hospital got it wrong (no surprise there) but I wasn't to bothered because thats when I went body boarding. I was told…

  • Kezzerbird.....I,ve been body boarding!!!!!!


    Here is the Kezzerbird after boarding for a hour, sexy wetsuit ain't it!!!!!

    My camera isn't waterproof so we had to take pics in shallow water,the waves were much better further out

    It was great fun. Two goals reached in one, getting back in the sea again and body boarding. Wow I feel so good, not bad for a 50 year old woman with cancer and on chemo, eh guys.

    Dave my great mate and next door neighbour…

  • For ours Jools and Indie


    If there's such a place as heaven, of that I don't really know,

    but if it does exist, that is where I'm going to go,

    and when I reach my destination, I know what I shall see

    those wonderful caring friends, that still mean so much to me.

    The ones who brought me sunshine, who gave all that they could

    and cared so much for others, knowing it would do some good.

    We will meet again one day, the ones that…

  • Kezzerbird in need of a fry up!!!!


    Well it seems my stomach bug isn't a stomach bug after all but side effects from the new chemo so last night armed and dangerous with plenty of stoma bags, just in case, the bird went out clubbing again! It was my sons', girlfriends sisters birthday, so I was kinda forced to go out (me forced, yeah right!!!)

    There was a crowd of us that went out and what a great night I had, I finally got into bed a 5am, all…

  • Kezzerbird....Girls let this be a lesson to you!!!!!


    Yesterday there was a knock at the door and standing there was a nice young man from Southern Electric ...any way after comparing prices I decided to change over my gas and electric suppliers, some thing I have been meaning to do for a while and of he went. Later I had to go out to try and get gismo some egg food, Kev was sitting in the car waiting (I can't walk very far). Out the door goes I with wig on bonce walking…