Kkezzerbird....Gismo,Summit and Clubbing!!!!

1 minute read time.

Just for our crazy Debs...here is a pic of my little Gismo, blimey can that little bird sprint when it wants too, I am knackered just getting a photo of it!!!!!!!!

Gismo the baby cockatiel......now it looks like a bird!!!!

Happiness on a stick aka Kev and I took the flea bag aka Summit for a good run, now both are on the setee having a kip. The hairy one with the glasses is Kev!!!!!!

Well the ole Bird went out clubbing last night and had a great time seeing all my mates and my door crew, I even had a dance with SteveO, my favourite doorman aka my brother from another mother. Mark too is another favourite doorman, him and Steve were fighting over me and Mark said that it wasn't fair that Steve gets more attension from me than he does so now, Mark is 'another brother from another mother!!!!!!! I left the club at 3.15, I was feeling a little tired!!!!, I crawled into my bed and slept like a log....So it is like someone else once said on this site...I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it' The Kezzerbird is back!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them...love Carol xx
