Kezzerbird...Wow what a party !!!

1 minute read time.

I am not usually lost for words but the Leicester party is something I shall never forget for the rest of my life. Some people said ' But you're going alone to see a lot of strangers'. No I wasn't, it was like going home to a place I needed to be at with friends that I so deeply care about and love. If you can imagine all your best friends coming to see you and you haven't seen them for a year, it was like that, only some of them couldn't be there. We drank a toast to friends gone and to those who couldn't get to the party. So much emotion flying around, so much laughter, so much love, it was incredible.

Drew and Kezzer, we needed our Debs to make up the trio, but she was with us in spirit, not sure if she was in Drews pint or my Malibu and coke!!!!!!(missed you hun)

I did however get my tattoo out at the request of others, I may add, my face won't make me famous but my arse might!!!!!

I want to thank Lanz and Caz for a wonderful time and giving me the chance to meet face to face with some of the best friends I shall ever have, there are so many more I wish to met, that will be a new goal for me in the future. For me cancer has brought out so many good things and I would never have known what amazing people there are out and hugs to those who want them....The happy and contented Kezzerbird xx

  • FormerMember

    Pretty amazing time just like the crazy lady said but it wasn't depressing or maudlin there was so much laughter. I always drink a toast to absent friends (to myself) but the toast to Indie and Jools did bring a lump to my throat. Irene hoped it was in my trousers but you can't have everything! I think the answer is to do more of it and more often although living in different parts of the country makes it difficult but not impossible. The main reason why I went was because I only live twenty miles away but that doesn't mean to say that I wouldn't travel further afield in the future. I will be inviting you to Roland's Wake sometime next year in February or March when I will be doing a fundraising night at the welfare. In the meantime, happy times, happy memories and here's to our next shindig.I have now got to go back to reality - I am running a family afternoon and am trying to keep the old grumps away from the kids. The grumps obviously can't remember when they were kids - miserable gits. The other main crisis is that I forgot to buy black face paints and everyone knows that you need black in every face paint design, don't you? Well I bloody well do now!

    keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Kezzer your right! It was a brilliant weekend,it was exactly like you said, I'm already looking forward to next year.... In Bangor maybe???? Would you all fly over though?great meeting all of you, see there are plenty of fb posts of me in your wig

    Liz xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Awwww I've loved seeing the pics and would so dearly have loved to be there - but family commitments & all that.

    Thanks to the lovely Lanzy for putting my card stand-in out for people to say hello to (it was almost life-size you know, well height ways not width LOL).

    I've already warned Tony we may be making our first visit to Ireland next year.

    So glad you all had a good time, there are some fabulous photo's doing the rounds on FB and yes Carol, you may end up being a famous arse (in the nicest possible way LOL).

    Hope its given those of you still going through treatment a boost and lift you needed.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember


    Sounds like you all had a great meet up.

    Would love to have joined you all (would've been nearer when we lived in Bedford).

    Great pics of the event.

    Don't forget if anyone fancies a trip to the coast here in Mablethorpe Lincs we would love to meet up.

  • FormerMember

    glad you all had such a good time - will have to keep eyes peeled for next one :) x