Kezzerbird....where to start on this one?

2 minute read time.

I have just come out of hospital after my second kidney infection but now I know why it is happening. My cancer is blocking my right kidney and causing cronic infection, right ok, another hiccup along my cancer journey. The next step is to have a stent put in so the kidney can be drained, if anyone as had this done let me know about it please. My onc wasn't to bothered about a scan this side of Christmas but the renal consultant was, he wanted to know exactly what was going on so he got me a scan for chest, abdo and pelvis. This doctor was really brilliant, just a nice caring chap, I was impressed.

I reached the hospital by ambulance and went to A&E, first problem wanting blood, my daughter was with me and told these 2 doctors that I had a port, guess what, they wanted to put needles in my feet!!!! Even being in agony, I told these two there was no way it was port or nothing, next minute they sorted the port out and got blood, I had to argue with several student doctors over the port, so many not wanting to be bothered, just wanting to make it easier on themselves. The paramedics who got me there came back 2 hours later and found me , my daughter told them that I had only just been given morphine, they were horrified. Blimey, I have had some pain but bloody hell OUCH!! I was finally put on the renal unit and pain relief sorted. I had a major run in with a first year student doctor, yet again over blood, I told him he could help himself as long as it was done through my port, off he went 10 minutes later he was back saying he needed blood and wanted to see if I had a vein,BAD MOVE!!!! What part of 21 chemos in a year and a half and having my body torn apart because of cancer did he not understand!!!! (several words are missing with what I said) I ende up being treated very well, the staff were great, it was just the odd prat who made it worse for themselves with their attitude, the renal consultant found it funny that I had put these few individuals what for, it said it does them good to be brought down a peg or two. So my friends, it is back to playing that waiting game. Love and hugs to those who want them as always......Carol xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol , Sorry to here you have been in hospital,hope you are feeling better and glad your home.  Take care  Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

              So sorry that you have had a rough time lately. Wishing you a comfortable, pain-free Christmas and I hope you don't have to wait too long for treatment.

              Take care,

                   Love and hugs,

                           lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Haven't been on in a while and don't post much but am glad to see you're keeping the docs right and slowing down the bloodfest. You'd think they'd have upped the meds for xmas too! Hope the New Year brings you better things, less student docs and Tinsel the tumour is kicked into submission !

    Polly x