kezzerbird..what a good idea!!!

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It is 6.15 am and I have just looked at the replies from my last blog and saw that our John r had mentioned 'who can fill a stoma bag the quickest', yes John I think our Drew is miles ahead of me LOL (I know, lovely topic for this time of the morning!!!!) I think it is time that Drew and I started off a new party game, the title being 'Who can blow the stoma bag off at a greater distance' but where would you practice this new sporting event I wonder? You couldn't really do this in a public park or a shopping centre, could you!!!!! I know you can strip naked in a shopping centre (How to look good naked TV programme) but stoma bag blowing may offend some. You can chuck a javalin, toss the kayber and the wellie, ummmmmm answers on a postcard please guys!!!!! Right now I have written this new blog, I need to go and lie down and ponder on this very subject!!! Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol the pondering Kezzerbird xxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    What are you and Drew like????!!!!!! Bloody brilliant that is what you are, here I am again crying with laughter!!!


  • FormerMember

    Talking of stoma blowing and Bodmin, perhaps youcould see who could 'fly' the furthest over Daizy Mary pool on Bodmin moor, should pull in the grockles and raise some cash!!!

    Still smiling!!


  • FormerMember

    That is another good idea Tony, might try that love X

  • FormerMember

    I Have gone all giddy I wonder if it has to do with Stoma Bags. I think I wll go for a lie down on my Stoma Bed.

    Take care and be safe exploding Stoma Bags on the loose. Big Hug Love

  • FormerMember

    My big problem is discrimination against those who don't have a stoma bag. What if someone wanted to take part and didn't actually have one lol.

    I agree with you Drew the diet would be a big consideration. Nice thought Carol, who else would think of such a thing pmsl.

    Christine xx