kezzerbird..what a good idea!!!

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It is 6.15 am and I have just looked at the replies from my last blog and saw that our John r had mentioned 'who can fill a stoma bag the quickest', yes John I think our Drew is miles ahead of me LOL (I know, lovely topic for this time of the morning!!!!) I think it is time that Drew and I started off a new party game, the title being 'Who can blow the stoma bag off at a greater distance' but where would you practice this new sporting event I wonder? You couldn't really do this in a public park or a shopping centre, could you!!!!! I know you can strip naked in a shopping centre (How to look good naked TV programme) but stoma bag blowing may offend some. You can chuck a javalin, toss the kayber and the wellie, ummmmmm answers on a postcard please guys!!!!! Right now I have written this new blog, I need to go and lie down and ponder on this very subject!!! Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol the pondering Kezzerbird xxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it
