Kezzerbird...well, well, well!!!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Off I went to the hospital to have my bloods done and wondered off to see my dear mate Tim who was taken into hospital after having a stroke on top of his cancer, I didn't get to speak to him, he is exhausted, so I asked the nurse to tell him that I had been there. I went off to get some lunch and then went and sat outside in the sunshine for a while, I had to wait until the results were back to make sure chemo could be given.

I wanted to have a word with my Onc, the receptionist, who is completely crazy in a nice way, tried to track him down, she told me she would get hold of him for me. He had only just come back of holiday again, so hearing my name must have made him want to go on leave again!!!  I was walking down the corridor and who should I see? It was my Onc and another consultant coming back from lunch. He said', I am not trying to avoid you'. ' Of  course you are' says I. laughing at him. 'I just want to know if I am ok to go body boarding soon after chemo'.

'What do you want to go body boarding for at your age' he says. My Onc has a sense of humour and can come across to be quite rude, but is all in fun, he takes as good as he gives, well with me anyway!!!! 'Rude git' says I and turns to the other onc and says, 'He is only chessed off with me because he's trying to kill me off and I won't die, I refuse to, I am gonna be around just to p*** him off!!!, they both laughed and my Onc said ' You can't upset this one, she is trouble and a bouncer, she is likely to flatten you'...'I won't flatten him, he hasn't done anything to me yet!!!!!!!!. We all laughed and went our seperate ways.

Sitting in the new chemo wing, there I waited and then I was called in for chemo and it all went well, no cocks up occured, I am in shock!!!!!!! My bloods are spot on, lovely. Now have to wait for the side effects to kick in but they arn't too bad and then I am off body boarding again. I am so looking forward to see my Mac nurse, he as been on holiday, he will ask me if I have done anything with myself in the last two weeks and I will tell him, 'Oh not much Mike, just clubbing, partying in Leicester and body boarding' that will make him laugh!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them as always....Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I'm living with it x

  • FormerMember

    another funny blog =) you tell them!! =)

    you really are amazing, and i love the fact your going body boarding, i used to love doing that when i was 8 =) great fun, and many memories...

    i have a funny doc to, when i got into remission, and got told i had permanent lung damage from the chemo, he asked if i smoked... the answer was no... and he said to me, if you ever do, il chop your arms off.. lol =)

    love emz xxx

  • Well done you its the way to fight this cancer.

    You have to force yourself to live life to the full and not give in.

    You are an inspiration xxx

    Love Mavis

  • FormerMember

    So glad to hear that your malibu and coke system was checked out and was OK and the chemo went in without any problems. Good luck with your body boarding - get in quick before the cold comes in.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear all went well! It pays to complain I am treat like a queen at my hospital.

    Good  Luck with body boarding don't forget to post the pics.

    Love Julie X

  • FormerMember


    Lovely to read ur post and see someone 'kicking arse' so to speak - in every sense - n loving living

    Lovely to meet u at weekend

    Keep enjoying life - hope to meet u again soon xxx