Kezzerbird....well rested!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

Surprise guys, I kept my word and did sod all yesterday but sleep, see miricles can happen!!!!! So today the Bird is refreshed and ready to crack on with some more jobs. Time to put my knickers on the outside of my clothes, I love being busy, sometimes I even forget about my cancer and I am sure the cancer doesn't like that, but tough eh!!!!! I might even go clubbing on Saturday, see what my door crew have been up to and if this chemo works this time, I hope to get my old butt back to work by February and do what I do best. Kick arse!!!!!! I did it once before so I can do it again. Right my lovelies I am off to make bucket of tea number two before tracking down a paint brush!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Love reading your blog, thanks for always making me smile.

    Tiggs Xx

  • FormerMember

    bloody hell Kezzer, next pigs are gonna start flying if you are actually taking time to rest!!!!!!

    Glad you're feeling good, I've got crudloads of decorating here that needs doing, so if you fancy a visit to Essex......gimme a heads up!!!!!!!!!!

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Debs I might have to do that just to get around to meeting you. I have framed the card from Leicester of you and you are in the hall by the front door my lovely, I frighten myself every time I leave the front room cause you are looking at me!!!!LOL Luv ya xx

  • FormerMember

    Pigs have flown bacons gone up LOL

    Glad to hear you did as you were told for once Carol.

    It will be christmas 2020 before you do it again.

    Lots of Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carol, I haven't been on here for a few days but I started to think about you - you often go through my thoughts when I feel like crap and think "what would kezzer do?".  You are so positive and I am glad you are resting when needed - because we all need your daily deliberations to bolster us up girl.  Anyway, nice to learn you're okay and maybe one day I'll get a holiday to Cornwall and try out that nightclub of yours - haven't danced for long time now! Ann