Kezzerbird..The things we do for gas central heating!!!!

2 minute read time.

Strange title, you may say, well, I have been given a grant to have gas cental heating put in my home by Warm front, my one gas fire and one storage heater that I have does not really do alot and in winter I freeze my butt off. Having a bath or shower in my house is a painful experience, Polar bears sit on my window sill laughing at me, watching with shear amazement while I run round blue with the cold in a small space trying to dry myself and getting up for a pee is even worse, my bum almost freezes to the loo seat, Ohhhhhhhhhhhh not nice. So what have I been up to, well, I have to prepare things for this heating to be put in, I know where the radiators are going but it has meant that I have had to move alot of things about, so me being me decided to re-decorated at the same time IDIOT!!!! I have done the front room, hall stairs and landing and my bedroom all in the last three days, I am knackered!!!!! Yesterday my lovely crazy son Karl came over to give me a hand after he finished work, now the idea was to move a unit in my bedroom so I could strip of the wall paper and paint that wall, that was all, so the unit was moved and Montys tank (Monty is my python) we striped the wall and painted it, then we moved the computer desk to that wall, we put Monty and unit against the opposite wall, then moved the chest of drawers across to the other wall, book shelves and the safe where put in the garage out of the way. This task was meant to happen over several days but Karl is like me, once he gets his teeth into something, he doesn't know when to stop. I have half a wall to strip and paint and do the ceiling then that is done, now the idea is to leave it for a few days but I know that won't happen!!!! I saw Mike yesterday, my Mac nurse who has been on leave for a couple of weeks, he fell about laughing at me when I told him about the body boarding boarding, going to the party at Leicester and clubbing, his words were 'You glass is always half full' he was amazed how well I look at the moment and asked how the chemo was going, I told him about the numbness and constant pins and needles in my feet, he said that those side effect would last possibly for years, my comment on that was, no it won't, I have been there before and was told that and I got rid of those side effects once before, so I will do it again, what did he do, he laughed!!!! I am a stubbon old bag and he should know that by now!!!!! Right I am off to make another bucket of tea before I don't go looking a that wall to be stripped, before I don't strip the wall paper off and I don't paint the wall Ummmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want carol (The unstopable kezzerbird!!!)

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it.

  • FormerMember

    so true isnt it carol.....once you start stripping wall paper off you have to finish

    i did marys bedroom walls and the dam ceiling as well one day ....didnt finish it till 5 am but i wasnt going to be beat....

    its like a huge victory isnt it when we do something....

    went to see zion a bob marley tribute band in whitby on thursday....danced like the looney as usual in between taking pain killers....rubbing cream on the shingle patch on my back and taking stuff to stop my stomach pains...

    but ferk it...

    we aint gonna be beat if we have anything to do with it....

    you keep on having lots of good times carol....its great to see your posative posts on here...

    are you still planning the mountain climbing soon...



    hey sarsfield

    your the same....

    you have a lot to put up with for sure yet i have never seen you complain once....

    your amazing also.....

    so are everton...

    it was man utd 3 everton 1 with 2 mins to go and it ended up man utd 3 everton 3..

    keep the posative stuff coming....

    its allways a huge boost ...


  • FormerMember


    good to hear your having the heatind sorted carol...

    i hate being cold and hardley ever turn my radiators off...

    even in summer people walk in and nearly pass out with the heat....

    i dont notice it

    im sure i feel the cold much more since the chemo stuff....

    get the heating banged up full when its sorted carol.....

    hugs  xxxxxxx

  • I don't know turning into a softy having heating installed, watch you don't soften to much, especially after all that body boarding.

    keep on doing what you are, it certainly works.

    enjoy the weekend


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    As someone relatively new to the board can I just say how much reading your blog has cheered me up your bloody mindedness humor and courage are amazing and I thank you for sharing them with us.


    Val xx

  • FormerMember

    Heart-warming stuff as always.  I hope you get really cosy.