Kezzerbird.....Sunday a day of rest!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

After sleeping like a log due to being completely knackered because I, The Bird have after all these years, discovered paint rollers and am painting every thing in sight, has decided that today being Sunday and officially the day of rest, shall do just OK so I thought by writting that down I would convince myself of that fact but it doesn't really work with me!!!!!! The numbness and pins and needles I have in my feet because of the chemo I am on as reached my hands now, it is very annoying to say the least so I will have to carry on doing things just to exercise my fingers or they will start to stiffen and I can't be doing with that rubbish,no, no ,no!!!! I worked in my bedroom last night, painting and sorting through my files and stuff, I had thought aout going to the club but my eyeballs told me I needed to sleep rather than party, my head hit the pillow and I was gone, ah lovely. Sometime during the night a terrorist attack happend downstairs in my house, well it looks like it did, you should see the state of my kitchen!!! I gather Happiness on a stick aka Kev is thinking the house work fairy would appear and clean up his mess. Bloody pig!!!! Right clean up kitchen, job number one, job 2, prepare veg for roast, job 3 clean out my birds, job 4 clean out fish tank, job 5 clean out Montys tank, job 6 feed animals, job 7 cook roast,job 8 clean kitchen again.............Uh a day of rest, my arse!!!!!!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    My four year old grandson has recently discovered that there is a bed fairy who leaves him 50p under his pillow if he stays in bed the whole night. Maybe something like that would tempt Kev into cleaning up after himself lol.

    I don't know where you find the energy Carol!

    Hope you sleep as well tonight.  Christine xx