Kezzerbird..still plodding on

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Hi guys..just to let you know the Bird is still about but have been quite ill since Christmas, lost an awful lot of weight, got a chest infection, had D&V, I am falling apart!!!!!!! Had my 51st birthday today and had loads of pressies, coudn't eat the birthday cake but never mind, so for some who shouldn't have made 49 I am chuffed to see 51, roll on 52!!!! Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Happy Birthday Carol,

    So sorry you been feeling crap and this bloody weather doesn't help either, but chin up chuck spring hopefully just around the corner, brighter days and waves to surf!!

    Be well, gentle hugs, love Alex xxx

  • Only just thinking, 'Carol is very quiet... hope she's okay?'. Then I log on on and see your blog. So, a BIG Happy Birthday, and hope the New Year brings better health.

    Cyber hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Good to hear from you Carol. Glad you enjoyed your birthday guess it could have been better eh?

    I hope that you feel better soon and can be on the way up. As it has been said we miss you!

    love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Happy Birthday Carol. I really hope you feel better soon. There are so many nasty bugs around at the moment so you just rest and look after yourself. Happy New Year and heres looking forward to 52!!! xxx

  • FormerMember

    Happy Belated Birthday, sorry you were feeling so crappy for it :(

    My dad's having more chemo (palliative, sadly he's terminal) and gets thinner every time I see him. He turns 65 in two weeks, still gonna make him a cake that he can't taste and won't eat - more for us than him, hey.

    Hope the D&V does one soon.

    Keep going.x