Kezzerbird...Please somebody slap me!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

Why oh why do I do this to myself, if having cancer isn't bad enough, why do I watch Jeremy Kyle in the mornings, why do I torcher myself watching these morons moaning about crap, 'I don't trust my boyfriend' or 'My boyfriend looks at my twin sister' or 'My boyfriends pays women to beat him up' Arrrrrrrrrrgh. So I am requesting that cyber slaps are sent my way please, and make em hard slaps!!!!!!!! The only good thing that comes out of watching this rubbish, is that it fires me up for the day, after shouting at the TV I have the energy to get things done. Right I am off to kill some thing UMPH!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol the slapable Kezzer xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    At least when JK sits on the step you know there is going to be trouble... and a slap carol as you asked for it...Thanks so much for the drew and carol show, but if it ever goes on t v will have to be very late, not a daytime show xxxx