Kezzerbird...Please somebody slap me!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

Why oh why do I do this to myself, if having cancer isn't bad enough, why do I watch Jeremy Kyle in the mornings, why do I torcher myself watching these morons moaning about crap, 'I don't trust my boyfriend' or 'My boyfriend looks at my twin sister' or 'My boyfriends pays women to beat him up' Arrrrrrrrrrgh. So I am requesting that cyber slaps are sent my way please, and make em hard slaps!!!!!!!! The only good thing that comes out of watching this rubbish, is that it fires me up for the day, after shouting at the TV I have the energy to get things done. Right I am off to kill some thing UMPH!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol the slapable Kezzer xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    I like JK whenhe do's the DNA test it allows people who can't afford it to get one. Also he helps people who have Drug and Alcohol dependancy (That reminds me I must give him a call lol).

    I can't stand the stupid ones about cheating they all look like they come from another planet.

    Sooooo 1 slap for you Kezzer and another 1 for me.

    Take care Love Julie

    PS Graeme I lurvvvv Murder she Wrote and Diagnosis Murder they were the programmes that helped me through my chemo, when I was confined to the couch.

    Sad aren't I. X

  • FormerMember

    Heres a slap...SLAP!! Heres a hug...(((HUG))) and now you can come and kill the darn spiders who are invading my house please! before I move out!! lol

  • what was it you said about boyfriends paying for a slap, and you are asking us to do it for free, no way.

    Tell the truth you are hoping this will be googled and you will be invited on the show talking about how your mac mates gave you a good slapping.

    now where i sthat club you work at, ha ha

    take care and do your penance


  • FormerMember

    Aw I bet it took a lot to say that Graeme, but thanks anyway lol.

    I think there might be something in what you say John, I think you've got Carol's measure.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    im reading this blog n answers and got a great big smile on my face thinking anyone new to the site - reading their first blog - and its this one - what will they be thinking? hahahahahahahaha

    answers on a postcard to ..............................
