Kezzerbird...Please somebody slap me!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

Why oh why do I do this to myself, if having cancer isn't bad enough, why do I watch Jeremy Kyle in the mornings, why do I torcher myself watching these morons moaning about crap, 'I don't trust my boyfriend' or 'My boyfriend looks at my twin sister' or 'My boyfriends pays women to beat him up' Arrrrrrrrrrgh. So I am requesting that cyber slaps are sent my way please, and make em hard slaps!!!!!!!! The only good thing that comes out of watching this rubbish, is that it fires me up for the day, after shouting at the TV I have the energy to get things done. Right I am off to kill some thing UMPH!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol the slapable Kezzer xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Jackie love...slap recieved xx

  • FormerMember

    Well've asked for it so here it comes and its attached to a kick up the backside just for good measure LOL oh and you can report me if ya like....I am not skeered.......well of the authorities, a mad Kezzerbid yes definately!!!!!!

    I have a friend in Kiwiland, she is half maori, half polish and a primary school teacher and she informed me last week that they get Jeremy Kyle there..........I was SO embarassed.  Can't stand the programme myself but she informed me that its OK, cos they can't understand most of what the people are saying anyway LMAO

    Am I off your mantlepiece yet.....I am skeered of heights ya know :P

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    imagine my suprise on my wedding night carol when my girlfriend turned out to be a man...and not only that he is my long lost brother...


    thats the worst thing about staying in isnt it carol....bloody day time tv

    i hate that jeremy kyle...

    they get people who are not the brightest pin in the tin and then make them look evem more thick then they are...

    i think at times its cruel and if he shouted at me like he does at his victims id punch his light out...

    its a horrible show....

    though i did laugh at the moron who went on and admitted on camera that he had been cheating the dss for

    i also hate that woman who allways turns up...and moments later there is a murder.......or that stupid doctor who solves all the murders for the police.....arrgghhhh

    but i do like doctors.....and i do like watching all the old heartbeat shows...


    i sooooo want jeremy kyle to get caught cheating on his wife...or maybe caught in the loos on hampstead heath...

    and another thing those lie detector tests are so ferking good the courts in england wont allow them as evidence....because there not soooo bloody good at all.....well not according to a court of law in the uk

  • FormerMember

    i forgive you for liking the jeremy kyle show christine...



  • FormerMember

    SLAPSLAPSLAPSLAPSLAPSLAPSLAPSLAP enough enough You are great Kez Hugs back     Elgee