Kezzerbird...Please somebody slap me!!!!!!

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Why oh why do I do this to myself, if having cancer isn't bad enough, why do I watch Jeremy Kyle in the mornings, why do I torcher myself watching these morons moaning about crap, 'I don't trust my boyfriend' or 'My boyfriend looks at my twin sister' or 'My boyfriends pays women to beat him up' Arrrrrrrrrrgh. So I am requesting that cyber slaps are sent my way please, and make em hard slaps!!!!!!!! The only good thing that comes out of watching this rubbish, is that it fires me up for the day, after shouting at the TV I have the energy to get things done. Right I am off to kill some thing UMPH!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol the slapable Kezzer xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    ive just watched it too kezzer. i always wonder why these people cant sort their lives out themselves. most of them are just damn stupid and the worst thing is they dont realise it. i think its the best comedy on tv and JK should get an award for overacting.  anyways dont kill anything otherwise you might be on JK too lol.  and dont overdo it today either.

    hugs and kisses    sue   xxx

  • FormerMember

    Huh typical bloody woman! Someone give me a slap! Get someone else to do your dirty work. And then report us to childline or something for mental and physical abuse. I'm not falling into your trap, much as I love a cunning plan. There are some Jeremy Kyle people in our community as there probably are everywhere and they act just like they do on the programme. I don't waste time watching it because generally it is the same every time - there are not too many themes.

    Hope the big budgies are behaving. We had some lovebirds and watching them I can understand why they call them lovebirds. He was never off her back with his eyes rolling in the back of his head. He died before her (Irene called them Jack and Vera) and it's not difficult to understand why. When I used to let them out and they wouldn't come back I used to chase them with a fish net shouting "You'll get the net!" The kids used to mimic me and still sometimes shout "You'll get the net!" I had an aviary but never anything so exotic as Kezzerbabe's birds.

    Keep smiling,




  • FormerMember

    I promise not to report any one for slaping me JUST DO IT PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!.I too had love bird, mine used to fight all the time, nasty little buggers xx

  • FormerMember

    I heard a woman complaining that her GP sent her for a chlesterol test and she wasn't allowed to eat breakfast that day. "Does he expect me to leave the house without even a hot drink?" Yes ,I said , mentally slapping her! Oops, too much slapping going on. Stop it now.

    Sent the DLA forms off.

    Love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    consider ur arse well and tryely slapped Kezzer! lol xx