Kezzerbird.....Oh well!!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

No the Bird hasn't dropped off the face of the earth, I felt like I wanted to, but I can't be bothered with any crap being chucked at me, after all I am to busy kicking cancers arse!! The new chemo doesn't seem too bad, I've parted with the contents of my stomach a few times and only lost a little skin off my hands and feet but the old E45 cream seems to help that. My hair is still in tact and it may get thinner but I have very thick hair, so that isn't a problem either. The home front OH WELL.......Kev is spending his spare time on face book chatting and I am working on my book, he is full of self pity and seems to be looking for sympathy, funny really, I have never looked for or wanted anyone to feel sorry for me but you know what, I could have sworn it was me that had my insides removed, nearly died and have been poisoned 18 times and have the cancer but i don't recall going to the shop and buying an illness that will kill me sooner rather than later. Or did I !!!!!!! I think where I went wrong was in 2008 when I didn't die and should have and I have this terrible habbit of not conforming to the rules of life, but then I never have and I do tend to hit rock bottom and then bounce back like some one has put a rocket up my arse, but i stupidly thought he loved me enough to be there for me. I was wrong. Kev wants to run a mile and to be quite honest I want him too, I have tried the 'cancer go away' bit and that didn't work, bugger!!!! so I guess I am stuck with it but that doesn't stop me giving my cancer a hard time OH NO and I am lucky, i have my kids and my grand kids and wonderful friends to keep me going. Just have to remember where i left my sense of humour!!!!! love and hugs to those who want them...Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Carol, you are amazing. Your theme tune should be Chumbawumba's 'I get knocked down, but I get up again, ain't nothing gonna bring me down' - in fact I can imagine you clubbing to that very sound. You've been such a support to me and many others and it sure is payback time now. Sending you loads of hugs, Val X

  • FormerMember

    Kev just doesn`t deserve you are too special to be treated this way.

    I had to smile reading ValS post `cos i had that same song in my head when i read your words lol.

    I think sometimes the way some of these men treat us just makes us stronger then they don`t like it!!

    BIG hugs Carol keep strong for you and all who love and appreciate you.

    Love scarlet xxxx

  • FormerMember

    A perfect song for me. Nice one !!!!! x

  • FormerMember

    Keep yer pecker up me lovely.

    Love and hugs



  • FormerMember

    Carol, Get ur arse to the party and meet some wonderful people just like urself Missus! Lets hear a few stories and have a good laff, cant wait myself ! cya soon !  Keep smiling ! Lanz aka Teepot aka fool!  lol