when is my next chemo?????

1 minute read time.

Hello all the lovely people out there in Macland. The bird as recovered from body boarding although I am still buzzing from it and can't wait to get back out and do it again!!!!! I now, I'm not right in the head.......anyway..I should have been having chemo two out of this new lot on the Tuesday, but the hospital got it wrong (no surprise there) but I wasn't to bothered because thats when I went body boarding. I was told my treatment would be every 3 weeks but when I got home I looked on cancer information and saw Caelyx should be giving every 4 weeks, I didn't question it. A miricle occured and some one in the hospital clicked and rang me, I was amazed, they have hardly ever phoned me, it is normally me growling down the phone at them!!! So chemo was sorted out for the 2nd of Sept, ok fine and hospital transport had been arranged too. The following day (wait for it) another call from the hospital, they had got it wrong again, but I was still asked to get my doctors surgery to get my blood and for the 1000 time I had to tell them that they can't do that because I have a portacath Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It would be sorted, by this time I am getting very confused!!!!! Yesterday I got another call from the hospital, at this point I felt the need to go lie down because of the shock! So now I have to go in on the 31st at 2 for bloods and if all is ok I will have chemo at 4, then on the 23rd bloods and clinic and on the 28th chemo and all transport has been arranged. Me thinks this may have something to do with me putting in a complaint, don't you? Also giving my consultant what for may have helped too. See having a big gob can make a difference LOL. Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I'm living with it

  • FormerMember

    Good for you Carol your telling off must have worked. Lets hope no more cock ups occur.

    As I said in an earlier blog at least you can go to Leicester feeling well and enjoy yourself.

    See you there

    Take Care Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    blimey that was a confusing blog... haha, i had to read it twice to get it... i think i get it....

    yeahh complaining gets you along way... but, point is still shouldnt have to complain...

    anyways im glad they eventually sorted out the date for your chemo and bloods... hope all goes well..

    emma xx

  • FormerMember

    YOU'RE confused. I am positively delerious after all that. Booze is the only answer!How do you confuse a chemo brain? Let him read one of Kezzerbabe's blogs!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi Kezzer,

    Well that will take me at least a week to work out whats going on. So I hope you manage to keep your sanity. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Well Carol confused all of us men....on purpose i think !!!!...wait till BUTTERCUP reads it.....your comments please debbie !!!!!..but think Drews right a few brandys may be the only answer for me !!!!!

         Love and Hugs back....johnb....x