Kezzerbird...Monday the day of rest

1 minute read time.

I The Bird do sware (oh bugger!) that today I am doing nothing!!!!! I completed all tasks yesterday, I have the cleanest animals in the world and my compost bins are all full (why  are my compost bins full, i recycle evrything including animal bedding), the water butt is full of fish water, which is very good for watering the garden, mind you it is monsoon season now in Cornwall so I don't know why I bothered doing that!!!! Kev went off to work at 9pm and i sat my tattooed weary butt down in front of the TV for awhile, then it was time to put Buster and Floyd, my Blue and Gold Macaws to bed, now normally this goes without a hitch but last night was the night that Buster was not going to play, these guys have a huge cage in the bird room and they are out all day, they only go in over night. Buster had decided to hide under the cage and wsn't going to come out for love nor money, so I spent 10 mins trying to get him in, it ended up with me using a thick bath mat to chuck over him, he has a large beak you know and could easily remove a finger, anyway after doing strange things with a broom, I got the mat over him and lobbed him in the cage, Floyd just got up on  my hand and went in.

Buster, fine looking fellow, bald as a coot, that was part of the reason I got him!!

Floyd on the other hand is beautiful

So the last little bit of energy I had left was used up chasing Buster. Bloody bird. I have just let them out and Buster isn't too happy with me, but The Bird always gets her bird, no matter what. Right guys I am off to make my second bucket of tea, I feel like I've been hit by a train, bus and lorry all at once, so today is my day of rest. Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol xx


  • FormerMember

    Haha - Buster has that cheeky look about him tho...Make sure you get your rest today or we'll be round to "do strange things with a broom (!)" and a bath mat :D Love Kxx

  • shhh the bird is sleeping ha ha, enjoy the rest and recharge those batteries

    oh and not meaning to be nasty but can you keep that rain down south, we need some sun up north.

    take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Sorry to hear you feel so shattered but am not surprised given all the treatment you are having and being wonder woman as well!!!!!  Enjoy today, and try and chill, knowing that you and I are very similar in that respect I doubt you'll sit still for long!

    Take care, gentle hugs Alex xxx

  • FormerMember

    your pollys are cute....

    yes you need to rest up at times carol, though like me its something you so dont like to do...

    you make sure you put your feet up at times, i think i need to practice what i preach and have a day just laid on the settee even if it means having to watch day time tv...mind you i do like doctors on bbc 1.....

    when do you have your next dose of chemo carol and how many more have you got left.....i sure hope everything gos to plan for you...we all do on this site...

    im suppose to have my retuximab boost on wednesday but its been cancelled for now thanks to the stupid shingles...

    i dont know, a month or so ago i was thinking of getting a 1957 bsa....but maybe i should get one of those 4 wheel scooters so i can get out a bit better..

    9 months on and i still feel wacked out alot of the time... fine as allways....just you make sure you look after yourself and DONT do to much ....

    which so isnt easy i know...

    hugs as

  • FormerMember

    Wow Floyd really is beautiful Carol.

    Now you make sure you do rest but knowing you I bet you will be up finding something to do before long.

    Take Care Love Julie X