Kezzerbird...just another hiccup!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Well guys I have found out why I am vomitting for England, the cancer is misbehaving and pressing down on something and even though I have been so ill my med team said it was urgent that I start chemo, so yesterday I had number 22, this chemo is the mid range type, they have blasted me with the heavy stuff. How do I feel about all this WELL it is just another hiccup for the Bird and no matter what the cancer will NOT stop me doing the thing that I want to do, not a chance. I did have to laugh, my 3 brother and my sister seem to think that their baby sister (yep that is me!!!!!) is ready to pop her clogs and want to see me before it is too late!!!!!! I have more faith in myself than they do, I know they mean well but really!!!!!!! I have said this before, I am a Capricorn, the goat, I climb to the top of the mountain, I get knocked flat on my arse and I start to climb up again!!!! Never ever stop fighting, I know how hard it is believe me but you have to carry on even if it means constantly kicking cancers arse along the way. For me this is just another hiccup to be sorted, I have loads of things planned for this year and cancer or not I shall do them. I still have my sence of humour and hopefully soon I can start to write blogs that put smiles on faces again. So I may go quiet for a little while, it tends to make doing blogs a little difficult when the lap top is covered in vomit, you can't see the keys and it is a bitch to clean up He He!!!! Sending love and hugs to those who want them as always.....Carol xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I'm living with it

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your problems - here's hoping the chem will calm it all down for you.  I must agree with Nutcracker - funny how families want to turn up when things are bad, and can't come near any other time.  Mine are the same - shame they all got flu over christmas and didn't want to come to close after arranging to come  I hope your partner is now giving you all the love and suppport you deserve.

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol sorry you are having sigh a crap time of it at the moment, You wouldn't be our Carol if you didn't fight back. So here to "our Carol" kicking arse

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol I am ..... nah I'm not gonna sing that bloomin song - does my head in.  Haven't been on here for a while, but knew you were poorly from that other site.  Sorry you are in training for a new olympic sport but hope its stops soon.  You keep kicking girl.  Much love Carol xxx