Kezzerbird in need of a fry up!!!!

1 minute read time.

Well it seems my stomach bug isn't a stomach bug after all but side effects from the new chemo so last night armed and dangerous with plenty of stoma bags, just in case, the bird went out clubbing again! It was my sons', girlfriends sisters birthday, so I was kinda forced to go out (me forced, yeah right!!!)

There was a crowd of us that went out and what a great night I had, I finally got into bed a 5am, all the youngsters left me to it and went home by 2, my son Karl who doesn't often drink because he is a taxi driver, was shall we say a little worse for ware but extremely funny with it, i wouldn't want to have his hangover this morning!!!!!

I did have a good old few drinks myself, so after I have done this, I shall hunt down a frying pan and indulge in a fry up, this has to be done after an extremely great night out you know!!!!. I got the usual treatment at the club, that is being slobbered over by staff and customers and of course loads of cuddles came my way, which is nice. There was an incident with a lad I know and the doorman who is standing in for me until I return, just stood there and did nothing, so I went over a stood by them and this very unpleasant bloke told me to **** off, I said 'Why don't you try and make me, boy', his mate came over a said some thing to him and he walked away rather rapidly!!!!! HE he! Oh I do miss work and all it envolves but hopefully if this chemo works then maybe in Feb next year I can return. I do hope so.

Right where is that frying pan? Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol xx. Ps Little Gismo didn't make it, I tried my best

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it
