Kezzerbird....I slept well but I am still buzzin!!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I didn't sleep for a couple of days before the party in Leicester, I was like a child ready to set off to Disney Land, the excitement kept building up and up. I was going to meet some of my best cancer buddies who had supported me through so much and lifted my spirits when I was so low and so ill. I was going to go no matter what and when the bird says she is going to do something, she does!!!!! I am still buzzin from the day, I was so tired Sunday when I got back home but I couldn't sleep, but last night, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it was lovely, my head hit the pillow and it was lights out and I drempt I was still in Leicester with my friends. We had all been through so much and we talked and laughed, we had a few tears for friends lost, such a wide range of emotions in one place. At one point, the scars came out, it was like the scene in Jaws when the two guys are comparing shark bites they had, but we still laughed. Well guys I am off for chemo 19 today, so far the first Caelyx hasn't been too bad, not too much sickness or diar (oh I can't spell that) the trots will have to do, even that is not too bad, it helps having a stoma!!!!! I am planning on going body boarding this week regardless, well I was told I must not go near hot water and I am to have cool baths, so I can't see a problem, the sea is just a big salty bath to me!!!!! Right guys I am off to make myself a bacon butty and get another bucket of tea. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I living with it....

  • FormerMember

    Hey Carol, sounds like a good time was had by all, would have been nice to see all the new friends I've made on the site but didn't know about it, maybe another time. Take care and I hope the chemo goes well.

    Love Vee.xx

  • FormerMember

    Well, what a weekend it was! I have some really special memories of the Leicester Fiesta, and can't wait for the next get together. My biggest special memory of the day was when you took off your wig and gave it to Liz 'cos her head was you don't see something like that at any old party!! lol. Hope the chemo goes well today and you get to do the body boarding xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Go girl, love ya  and your scars and tattoo. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope the chemo goes well and the side effects are mild. Enjoy your body boarding.. you much braver than I am (although it does look fun!) I think I would find it hard to get  a wet suit large enough for me!!!! xx

  • I always remember reading Jool's blog about the week at Bamburgh and this sounds like it was very similar, friendships for life.

    well done Lanz for making it happen and long may the buzz continue.

    Did someone mention chemo before body boarding ha ha

    stay strong
