Kezzerbird...I never knew I was so qualified!!!!!

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After stopping the tears from rolling down my face after reading our lovely Dangermouse slipper man Drew with the exploding bags blog, I would just like to say that I never realized I had that many qualifications, though you did forget the 'bike riding leather clad old girlie, Drew!!!!! Now I obviously have never lead a sheltered life, either bus shelter or Anderson shelter and luckily my stoma Henry does know how to behave, occassionally being prompted to perform after having digested a very hot homemade chicken vinadoo and I have a confession..... I ware Tigger slippers (coz I'm the onlyest one!!!!) So Drew mate, I want to thank you for the laughter you bring and thanks for those new qualifications you have bestowed upon me LOL. Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol a woman of many talents he,he xxxxx
