Kezzerbird...I never knew I was so qualified!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

After stopping the tears from rolling down my face after reading our lovely Dangermouse slipper man Drew with the exploding bags blog, I would just like to say that I never realized I had that many qualifications, though you did forget the 'bike riding leather clad old girlie, Drew!!!!! Now I obviously have never lead a sheltered life, either bus shelter or Anderson shelter and luckily my stoma Henry does know how to behave, occassionally being prompted to perform after having digested a very hot homemade chicken vinadoo and I have a confession..... I ware Tigger slippers (coz I'm the onlyest one!!!!) So Drew mate, I want to thank you for the laughter you bring and thanks for those new qualifications you have bestowed upon me LOL. Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol a woman of many talents he,he xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    What do think the ride on mower was about? Dunno if I can get back on a bike without a derriere. I had a series of old knackered British bikes (Greeves, Triumph, Ariel, Royal Enfield etc.) and then I bought a 400 Superdream about two thousand years later and that scared the crap out of me. I rode that quite serenely for two or three years and then one week I found I couldn't switch off the cloaking device and gave it up when twice in a week I nearly got wiped out, the second time  when a lorry pulled out on a roundabout and I slid about thirty yards down the road on my arse which was when I had one. Picko has bought an old 850 Suzuki in beautiful condition and I have always toyed with getting another bike - something nice and sedate for a nice and sedate person like me - I rode a new CX500 out of the showroom for someone who didn't have a licence and he used to let me borrow it for over a year and I might like to get an old one of them.

    Debs says she would like to give me a lie detector test about my aheltered life but I would prefer a pie detector test. As Meatloaf sings "A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age". Yeah I guess I got pretty wasted several times in my younger days but always within the bounds of  (  I was going to say decency) living in a shelter. My mother was very matriarchal and if by some strange chance I was lead astray by person or persons unknown she would huff and puff for about three weeks throwing my dinner on the table at me. Well at least I did get a dinner!

    I went to a pub in Cornwall where they ran an alternative olympics and I think we could have a Kezzerlympics. In addition to Budgie chasing we could have body boarding, synchronised decorating (to go with the synchronised drinking) along with the stoma bag chucking and high diving into a bucket of tea. I would have to insist on gazebo erecting (sorry about that word Jeremy - please don't put me on your programe) because the welfare bought ten cheap ones with all plastic 8 sided joints and instruction written in Serbo-croat that had been translated from one of those obscure Chinese dialects from North of Katmandu that only goats and sheep speak, printed on faded Japanese parchment in invisible ink and after one carnival all the 8 sided plastic pieces that were naturally all different got mixed up. When we re-erected (That Jeremy word again) the aforementioned gazebos at another event the scenes were more chaotic than me navigating through Leicester - and we were sober at the time.

    Keep smiling (I am finding it hard to type while I lick the varnish off my desk)




  • FormerMember

    Mine are snoopy slippers!  Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    I Dont wear slippers they hurt my feet.I wear stilettoes instead there far more comfortable.

    Take care and be safe Bird of many feathers. Love


  • defo in monty python land now with a whole new group of ministry's being set up.

    who knows who will knock on the door will it be Jeremy or the men in white coats.

    take care everyone and keep the laughter rolling.


  • FormerMember

    Looks like a slipper one upmanship club. I have conserablee better slippers than yeoowww! We could book Cruft's and have a Slipper of the year show. But no-one, but no-one has better slippers than my Dangermouse ones.

    Keep smiling


