Kezzerbird,,,,I knew it wouldn't last UMPH!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Well my dear friends, yesterday was chemo number 20, it was completion of the first cycle of Caelyx for The Bird. Straight forward really, hospital transport picking me up at 10, chemo at 11 and home by 1, simples as our meerkat friend says on the TV!!!!! Now, did this all go according to plan I hear you cry....NO IT DIDN'T Argggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!

Hospital transport arrived at 10, lovely job, I got called in to the chemo suite at 11.30, sat in a comfortable chair, had the gripper attached to my portacath and was then told  I need bloods done!!!! but says I, they were done last Thursday. It turns out my bloods were too low for chemo, so another lot had to be done. OK not really a major problem, that would only add another 25 minutes, so off I went for an early lunch in the hospital canteen. I went for the home made chicken pie and chips, it is impossible to muck that up, well it was tasteless and my taste buds are fine but i ate it and followed it with a can of coke and a jam doughnut, thankfully I could taste that, so £6.60 lighter in the old purse department, I wondered back for my blood results.

 Yep bloods were fine, oh jolly good.

 Then I was told my chemo would not be ready until 3. THREE O'CLOCK!!!!!!! THREEEEEEEEEEEEE O'CLOCK, my blood pressure went mad, my face turned purple, oh no I could feel the bouncer coming out in me!!! It seems the chappies who make up the chemos have to have a break no and again and the chemo staff are not told about this until it happens, it is to do with health and safety, we are now talking about my health and their safety now!!!!! The lovely chemo nurse couldn't say sorry enough bless her, it wasn't her fault, so off I went and say down and waited for my colours to return to normal!!!! I finally got home at 6.15!!!! One good thing happened, I met a lovely lady there, so I have a new mate now and she would love to go out on the back of my motorbike with me when we are both feeling a bit better, so that will be another goal set and hopefully I can make her wish come true, that would be nice. Love and hugs to those that want them as usual.....Carol xxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    bloody hell that you abd caroline up posting in the early hours...have you just got from the night club ?


    bloody hell that was a long day it a big place were you get your chemo ?

    i think i would have gone home and come back the next day....

    you get a scan soon i think ?

    anyway you look after yourself and have a good time on the canal boat....

    hugs  xx

  • FormerMember

    should have " read thats you and caroline"up posting in the early hours

  • FormerMember

    Morning Carol, can very much believe the day you had yesterday - as if we haven't got enough stress to deal with - this is becoming normal in hospitals and I kind've took it in my stride - inside I was screaming.  Well, no. 20 is at least out of the way so thankfully you've got it off  your chest and can move forward - tough bird.  Look forward to see your canal trip on that lovely river you go on - I saw the last ones, they were beautiful and your little dog looked sweet.  Stand up, brush yourself off, onwards and upwards girl, keep living the dream! Ann x

  • have some nice calming tea and all will be well, this seems to happen alot across the country and out of our hands and the trainee must have been so scared last week he did not dare to tell you your bloods were crap.

    Still on a happoer note when you hit 21 are you going partying, key to the chemo ward and all that goes with being 21 ha ha

    take care and keep on enjoying life


  • FormerMember

    I like that John, I can sing next month

    21 today, 21 today i get  the chemo key of the door

    Never had 21 chemos before!!!. We shall have a cyber party on that day!!!!

    Still living the dream Ann regardless chic

    Graeme mate you can't leave a come back the next day, you would be told to bugger off LOL I theory I should get my scan after my hols and the results before next chemo, but my little nervous baby doctor should have booked it, I did mention that there was no point contineing this treatment if it wasn't working but not sure if he heard me, I think he was kinda of scared. My consultant like to wind his baby doctors up about me, they all seem to be a bag of nerves around me, don't know why, I AM LOVELY xxx