Kezzerbird....Girls let this be a lesson to you!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

Yesterday there was a knock at the door and standing there was a nice young man from Southern Electric ...any way after comparing prices I decided to change over my gas and electric suppliers, some thing I have been meaning to do for a while and of he went. Later I had to go out to try and get gismo some egg food, Kev was sitting in the car waiting (I can't walk very far). Out the door goes I with wig on bonce walking up my concrete steps and the young man who I saw earlier in the day was walking down next doors drive, 'Hello again Love' he says and what do I do....I turned my head to say Hi and promtly fell flat on my face!!!!!! So much for being glamorous girls.knees caught on bottom step, hands on third step, arse up in the air and wigs to one side!!!!!!!!!!! This goes to prove that EYE CANDY is bad for your health!!!! Love and hugs to those who want the battered a bruised Kezzerbird!!!!! xx

Gismo is still going this morning xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it
