Kezzerbird...Dying to live

2 minute read time.

First of all thanks for the private messages, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I just needed a break and needed time to sort my head  out after Kate died. I didn't go to Kates funeral, how could I say good bye to someone that I never had the chance to physically say hello to, face to face. Kate was an important part of my life, we shared the same cancer and the same prognosis and the same attitude to it all, but we shared a strange friendship that only cancer can bring and loosing Kate for me was like loosing apart of myself and I know that Kate would give me what for, for being so down, so I have picked myself up and I have to be grateful that I had kates friendship albeit via a telephone call or a website.

I woke up this morning to a massive thunder clap and wondered why my bed was shaking, after all there was only me and the dog there, poor Summit was shaking from head to paw, I looked out of the window to see it snowing, thunder and snow, how weird!!!!!!!


Blimey, we have had floods and now snow, I am thinking of building an arc, a boat would be no good, need room for all my pets!!!!!! I am hoping the snow isn't around tomorrow, I have to go to Truro to the hospital to have my port flushed, it is a 2 minute job and I have to get hospital transport to get there, no one where I live is qualified to do it!!!!!!!! I have been working really hard on my house, so many jobs to do and very little help available, so the bird just struggles and gets these things done regardless but I get gratification at the results with everything I do not bad for someone who should have died in 2008!!!! My health seems to be fairly good at the moment, some of my tumours, well 3 of them are just under the skin now, I am waiting for the skin to break and 3 cancer aliens to pop out yelling' Ha ha we got ya' follow by me beating them around the head with a box of Tamoxifen and my MSTs!!!!!!! My main task is trying to sort out my hands and feet, bloody chemo effects but I had this 2 years ago and got it sorted so I can do it again, sometimes I have that much E45 on I resemble a greasy pig, I daren't fall over because if I stared to slide, I would never stop!!!!!! Who needs snow covered moutains and skis, just cover yourself in E45 cream and chuck yourself of a hill!!!!!      I see my consultant on the 20th Dec, I wonder if my reprive still stands, it could change, I know that, I shall have to wait and see but I am not planning on going anywhere for awhile yet, those words tattooed on my butt, still stand 'Cancer can kiss my arse'. Roll on the spring.....motorbiking,scuba diving, bodyboading and hopefully bounceing (back to work). Oh well my friends a bucket of tea is required. Love and hugs to those that want them as always....Carol xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Parallel lives or what. No it hasn't been snowing but.........most of my bowel is under my skin where I have a stoma rupture and a operation scar rupture and I am expecting aliens to come screaming out of me as well. I got a letter back from my surgeon as an after scan report which says there is no convincing evidence that cancer has returned. What does that mean - there's none there but we are expecting some? Who knows. My mate Eric says the language of reassurance is complicated which is actually worse than my consultant's letter. I have bpought Irne a Kamikaze puppy who is a smad as a hatful of crabs. I will get a photo of her when she is still ong enough.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    We all missed you.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love The Clan.xx

  • FormerMember

    nice to have you back kezzer although your absence is totally understood. i love reading your blogs, they fill me with enthusiasm. could have done without photos of snow though....hate the stuff. keep safe.

    hugs and kisses    sue    xxxx

  • Hi Carol,

    Nice to see you are back, your zest for life goes on unabated, My best mate died and was burried just 9 days before i was diagnosed, so i have some idea how you have been feeling over the last few weeks.

    I go back to work tomorrow for a few weeks until my next operation on 21st Dec. where they will repair my bowel from a previous operation!  then i start the new year with my first treatment on 13th Jan.

    Wish you all the best.


  • FormerMember

    Welcome back Carol. I'm very sorry to read about your friends passing.(hugs)

    Love your pictures of the snow falling,give Summit a wee cuddle from me,the poor wee dote(I'm terrified of thunder too)

    Look forward to reading more of your Blogs Carol.

    Take Care, big hugs, Alison.x