Kezzerbird.....Drew and the Bird!!!!

2 minute read time.

Sorry guys to have to put you through this but it would seem that Drew and I are on a roll ( I would however just like to say for anyone new starting their own cancer journey and reading what Drew and i write, may wonder what is going on, both of us have been through hell and have come out the other side)

I think that somewhere along the line, Drew and myself must be related, maybe from prehostoric times, either that, or the fact that my Dad came from Nottingham and his family worked in the pits or it could be that i too used to ride a CX 500 fondly known as a Maggot, mine was matt black with lots of crome, it was my baby and a very reliable motorbike UNTIL this theiving git nicked it from outside my house one night, this pond dweller owned a maggot and said that someone stole it and wheeled it down the road from his house and kindly put it on the main stand and left it there, nice theive obviously!!!!! Anyway this cretton turned up at my house about six months later and knocked my door and said'Sorry to hear about your bike, oh have you got any spares left'. Now I was working night shift at the time and was dressed in only a t shit and a pair of knickers but with purple face and bulging eyes, I chased that son of a bitch up the road...needless to say he out ran me because I had nothing on my feet. Oh I was not a happy bunny!!!!!

Also, not unlike Drew, except i wasn't lead astray, I would go out clubbing, well back then folks, they were called Discos and would quietly come home at silly o'clock in the small hours,well I thought I was being quiet but I guess falling over dustbins isn't really being quiet and when I finally got up out of my bed with a hang over from hell, my dear old mum would cook me a fry up, making as much noise as she could, slaming the frying pan down on the Arga and I too had this food chucked at me with lard flying everywhere, I like crispy bacon and the yolks of my eggs done just right, I would get soggy bacon and runny eggs lagged in fat and would have to eat it....Mum would say 'That will teach you, won't it', the answer to that question was NO, I had many a soggy fry up after that!!!!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them......Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    What a stunning pair you make, can almost see the likeness!!!! Stories of misspent youths I love 'em.

    Thanks for cheering me up my 'andsome.

    Tony xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    A question ??.  Who is holding who up.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs

  • FormerMember

    My piece de resistance (whatever that means) was when I fell downstairs to my basement room stripping all the bannisters on the way down, snapping the six inch newel post at the bottom and spinning round only to hit the wall leaving a beautifully detailed potrait of blood on the wall. We were newsagents at the time and mummy got up to mark the papers and saw the carnage. She came into my room and was horrified to see my head stuck to the pillow with blood. Once she found out I was alright she used to give me THE look that only my mother could, trying to turn me to stone. And seveal times she very nearly did. Happy days. I have never done it with a dustbin but I used to drag a mate out of the hedge by his front door every Saturday night while I got the door key out of his trouser pocket. One day while I was rooting around for his key he laughed and said " Ooooo, I like that." From then on he had to make his own way home!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Jackie my love...believe it or not at this point we were sober, I think it is being born looking this way makes us look p***ed hun!!!!! xx