Kezzerbird...Calling all carers for help

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Guys the old bird needs some help. I have been with my partner for almost 12  years and since I was diagnosed in March 08 he has gone from being a caring gentle man into an acholic evil s**t and I have to be honest I hate him. Has you know I haven't been too good of late (I am slowing picking up) and the other night took the biscuit for me. I had gone to bed (tired on chemo) I asked him to chuck me up something and he could barely stand up he was so drunk and when I had a go I got 'Why don't you f*** off and I am not  taking that from anyone. That morning my Mac nurse had deguessed where I wanted to die and I had to speak with him and my daughter about this and I broke down. I need help in trying to understand where he is coming from because I can't fight cancer and him. I have told him to go if he can't cope. He is causing more problems than the cancer itself. I have been a carer many time to people I cared about. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP.....Love Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, You must do what is best for you ,and if that means sending him packing then so be it. You need all your strength to fight the cancer ,he should know this, he is being very selfish. Hope you can get it sorted soon ,Lots of love and hugs  Sue xxx

  • FormerMember

    Assess mate, I had hoped he had wised up as you sort of haven't been saying much about it, as you know Dave went through a depression that turned him into a complete stranger, thank goodness he has come through it, he doesn't like talking about it, but he started smoking after being off them 6 years, started drinking jack Daniels every night where as before he was a couple of beers early doors on a Friday night person..... And completely withdrew from me... This in turn made me angry and I give him hell which made him withdraw more which made it worse etc you know we have been married 32 years, and it was only the knowledge that we knew that we loved each other that got us through.....

    He did admit that he was angry at me because we are supposed to grow old together, and that he thinks I can survive without him, but he can't survive without me, he said that although common sense tells him it's not my fault, he can't bear the idea of life without me......because I have survived long past my prognosis, he has had time to come out of it, I know he would have spent the rest of his life torturing himself if he hadn't, even now he says he can never forgive himself for not being strong enough, cos he is strong in every other aspect of our lives, in the army 20 years volunteered and served in the first gulf war, so he's not used to being helpless.......

    I hope for your sake that's what is happening with kev, and that he sees sense before it's too late, because even us toughies need to know,there is someone to look after us if it comes down to it

    Kezzer mate thinking of you always

    Hugs and kisses

    LIZ xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, i know you have posted a few times about Kev and maybe its the time to get rid. You must put yourself first and do what you want to do. Is he really worth it??? If not, please get rid as i can assure you, you will be so much happier. It sounds hard but you must do what is best for you and no-one else.

    Take care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Sending you love, Carol.  I wish I could come and sort things out for you.  

    Lots of love,

    Grace xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    I am really sorry for everything you are going through.  My husband who died from cancer in Nov 09 was also a recovering alcoholic.  From bitter experience and the support of AA there is absolutely nothing you can say or do to as they have to reach rock bottom and take responsibility for themselves.  They too are suffering from an illness  and need professional help.  Having said all this you have to make the decision whether  to accept this or throw him out.  It is not easy even when you are healthy to have to deal with this but try and phone Al-anon and hopefully they will be able to help.

    It is like cancer, unless you have lived through it you don't really know what its like.

    My love and thoughts are with you and if I can of any help at all please PM

    Love Stacey xx

    Ps With what you are going through you don't need any of this