Kezzerbird...before chemo starts again UMPH!!!!!

2 minute read time.

The mad bird here saying hello to all my lovely Mac mates. Well I have been trying to get my house sorted out and the garden and cleaning all my animals out before chemo starts again next Tuesday. According to my onc the side effects won't be too bad but with me being me I am expecting them to be rotten because I always do the opposite of what I am told!!!! A classic example of that is my last lot of chemos', Cisplaintin and side loss, oh well says I and shave my hair off yet again, it had reached my shoulders and guess what I DIDN'T LOOSE MY HAIR!!!!! oh bug***! My onc said to me 'Oh your hair is growing back well' the reply 'I didn't loose it'. He says that I should have and was just being awkward. ME AWKWARD...NEVER!!! Well it is only hair, so that isn't the end of the world.

When I discovered my cancer had come back in March, I decided to grow vegatables, loads of them, why, well it seemed like a good idea at the time! I have a small garden, well I built a large aviary down the bottom of it a few years ago, so I started off my seedlings in the green house and when they where big enough out in the garden they went OOOOOPS! I have a jungle of veg now and I can't even get in my green house without getting attacked by plants!!!!!! I don't think that I will ever look at a tomatoe the same ever again, I have loads of them!!!!     Gismo, my baby cockatiel is learning to fly at the moment, well it is more like learning to crash land, he runs around flapping his wings like a lunatic and when I watch it I say to myself 'Oh well another idiot comes into the fold' it is about right for this house hold. I will be going out clubbing on saturday and seeing my door crew and all my other mates, it maybe some time before I can go out after chemo starts, so the Bird needs to go and party and hopefully this chemo will work this time and I can get back into remission once more and then get my tattood butt back to work by next year, we shall have to see. Right my lovlies I am going to go and make myself a bucket of tea and then attack my garden. Love and hugs to those who want them as always...Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Chemo schwemo! Best of luck with it. I think you are getting the hang of it by now. Nice to hear about your vegetables. Mine are all grown up now. Irene said to me one day "We need to get a vegetable rack" and I told her we already have bunk beds!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Oh Drew, you always make me smile xx

  • How are your cooking skills, Carol? I can see it now - 'Kezzerbird Tomato Chutney' or 'Kezzerbird Tomato Sauce'. You could make a fortune out of your tomato glut.

    Happy weekend partying and good luck for next week.


  • FormerMember

    Great to hear from you again Carol, enjoy the clubbing - you amaze me with your energetic life. Val X

  • FormerMember

    what a bummer about the hair. I finished chemo 3 weeks ago and every morning i look in the mirror to check to see if it has sprouted overnight!!! My friend who has gone through exactly the same at same time has loads of hair. Stiches out today from my hickman line today so i can have my first shower since march.

    have fun clubbing and stay out till early hours of morning!!! I managed till 11.30 last friday.

    Well done on your new thread here. Loads of people need YOU. dont ever forget that.

    Take Care Love Kaz x