Kezzerbird....been behaving myself!!!!

1 minute read time.

How lovely to see a pm from nutcracker today wondering if I am ok. Yes I am. One of my goals is to write a book on my C experience and it is bloody hard work you know!!!!! It is a compilation of emotions that cover the full spectrum, happiness, sadness, up and downs, some serious stuff and some very funny stuff too. I have to do this in stages because it can get to much at times and it reminds me of some things I would rather forget and makes me asks questions, the main one being 'How the hell am I still going' Answers on a postcard please!!!!!! UMMM what else have I been up too, not alot really, made some apple brandy which is cuddled up to my sloe gin in a nice dark place waiting for the day when the bird sets it free, well pours it into a glass!!!!! I pulled up the rest of my parsnips and turnips and made myself a huge saucepan of chicken stew ith apple dumplings, it was lovely but I am sick of stew now!!! I chopped loads of apples up and put them in the freezer and the next thing on my list is packing the cases for my hols on the Llangollen canal on a 'mental boat' called Elvind, ohhhhh 2 weeks of sheer bliss with happiness on a stick aka Kev and the crazy mutt Summit, I leave on Sunday, so don't panic if I go quiet. I have chemo tomorrow, that is the 3rd one of this cycle and when I get back from my hols I will be having a scan to see if it as worked this time, so fingers crossed on that one. Also when I return, the work will start on my gas central heating, so the Bird will be warm this winter instead of freezing my arse off, good bye to the polar bears in my bathroom!!!! Right tis time, has we say in Cornwall for a bucket of tea and because the cyber slaps that I requested from you guys weren't hard enough, it is almost time for Jeremy Kyle and for me to scream at the TV. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for writing Carol, have a super holiday, my fingers are crossed for the 3rd chemo - that this time the bstrd gets shot.  Look forward to seeing pics and also reading your book when its done.  You go girl! Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    The reason you keep going is because you enjoy life so much and like to make everybody feel good.

    All the best for tomorrow Mate.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love The

  • FormerMember

    have a great time on the canal boat carol....what a life that must have been on the canals going back in time..

    if only me n sarsfield lived closer we could store aboard and then swab the decks for ya everyday in return for a slice of bread and a glass of water...

    all the best for the next dose of chemo and everyone is hoping that every things gonna be allright when you have the scan...

    but forget about that stuff while your on your holiday, and have a great time..

    i just thought of you stood on the deck with parrot on your shoulder and eye patch on......

    lol   lol    ..     [ ouch my stitches ]

    good sailing carol...



  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    Bet you are looking forward to the Llangollen canal on Elvind!!

    We've gotta wait till Christmas before we are out boating again:(

    You'll be able to pick plenty of sloes along the towpath, a tip is to use the boathook so you can reach those branches that walkers cannot!!

    All the best


  • FormerMember

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday..... Good Luck for Chemo.

    Are we all invited in letting those spirits free???? lol

    Hope the polar bears vacate somewhere else and let them know they are not invited to W.Sussex!!!

    Have fun!!

    Tiggs xx