Kezzerbird and the clinic!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Why they wanted to see me before me completing  the 3rd chemo out of this cycle was a mystery and it still is!!!! I caught a glimpse of my consultant while I was sitting in the waiting room and he just grinned at me but when I was called in I was seen by one of his baby doctors!!!!! This little chappie came into the room and nervously sat down opposite me, so me being me said to him 'Right, whatever Dr B has told you about me' followed by a long pause 'It is all true', he nervously smiled at me. The door then crashed open and my consultant was standing there. He looked at matey and said 'Right you remember, you are the doctor and she is the patient, don't take any nonsense from this one' Rude git. Still standing in the door way, he asks me how I really am and said I was looking really good and while I was there I mentioned to him that my lump has grown and I wanted a scan, so he told our little nervous friend to order up a scan for me and then said to Mr Nervous chappie 'Well she will be good practice for you, deal with this one and every one else will be easy' Now what is my consultant trying to say about me!!!!! This is my first consultation with a bag of nerves, I quite enjoyed it really, mately got things totally wrong but what ever, I put him right. He asked to examine me and while doing  so announced ' You've got a lump there' No s**t sherlock thinks I !!!!!!!! We discussed the pins and needle effect with my hands and feet and he said that it was the chemo causing that, NO REALLY!!!! and that the effect can last for years, No it won't says I, Yes it will says he, no it won't says I, I have had it before and it won't because I won't let it!!!!! I think my new found nervous friend couldn't get away from me quick enough, can't possibly think why!!!!! So it is official I have a lump and the pins and needles are because of the chemo, well I am soooooooo glad he told me that, I would never have know that by myself!!!UMPH Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    I think they wanted to see you early coz they were lonely and have got no friends and it was nice to see a really friendly face! It was Help for Heroes night last night and I am much regreting the circumastances and I met a lad called Nick who lost a leg. Maybe you could nip out to Afghanistan to give the lads a chuck on! You would fighten the esshaitchonetee out of the Taliban. I didn't laugh when I read your bloggie. I made me feel nervous like Mr. Nervous Chappie!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    I wonder if you've become some of 'passage of rites' know if they survive a consult with you, they graduate LOL

    When I was going through radiotherapy I had to see a consultant once a week (dunno why they asked the same questions, are you tired? Nope, are you having headaches?Nope, are you experiencing any nausea?Nope...can I look at your head? yep, no rt can go now) and I got to see Shaker (no thats not how you spell it, but its phonetically how its pronounced.  He was small man, of very slight build (not much taller than I) and he was sooooooo timid.  I had so much fun bullying him, especially when scan results came through.  I swear a few times his finger hovered over the alarm button under the desk LOL  But boy did I get a shock when he went on to be understudy for another consultant and I got Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Payback is a bitch and she was large as life!!

    Glad you are being your usual charming and easy going self Carol.......cos it makes for good blogging.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx