Roller coaster of emotions

2 minute read time.
Just been out for dinner with a girlfriend, gossiping and not a care in the world, on my way home I remember having a strange gut feeling of worry, earlier that evening my dad mentioned he was going to see mum, she lives down the road, now they don't normally meet to talk unless it's someones birthday or christimas, I even thought in this case it might of been to talk about a car for me, as I had not long passed my driving test, I couldn't of been anymore wrong... A week or so earlier mum mentioned she had an app at the hospital, to do with a lump in her nose they were removing, nothing to worry as its so rare for it to be cancerous, the doctor went ahead and booked the op. Back to the evening, I walls through the door and perch myself on the arm of the sofa and tell dad about my evening, then ask if he had been to mums, he said yes, so Being nosey I ask what about, I could see the look on his face, he pointed to his nose, I think I knew straight away, I was right, cancer. But he said I wasn't supposed to know and mum was going to tell me herself tomorrow. Having to pretend I didn't know when we turned up the next day, I think my face made it obvious I did know, don't think I could hide the sadness... Sat in the lounge myself, my 13yr old brother, my 3yr old brother,mum and dad, never felt so awkward, dad broke the ice and just blurted out 'I've told them' they then proceed to try and tell us it's a good cancer... I know they are just trying to protect us, but i wish they hadn't as then maybe I wouldn't of been so hopefull. A few weeks later she starts radiotherapy and chemotherapy for 7 weeks, 7 weeks of tears, tiredness, loosing hair, sickness and worry, it happened to fall over christmas too, even though we tried to be happy you could just sense everyone's worry and sadness. 8 weeks later results day! Mums just got her energy back, hoping to get back to normal, wrong again... There is still a lump in her nose, and it has also spread to her lymph nodes in the right side of her neck....great.
  • FormerMember

    so sorry to hear this. how are you coping ? xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Missy.   I posted a reply to one of your posts earlier today ( radiotherapy ) but wanted to add a bit of encouragement for you here. Yes it is extremely sad that your poor Mum is having to go through this treatment again, but with help and support she will get through it. Although my cancer was on the floor of my mouth, it entailed extensive surgery ( a ten hour operation involving micro-surgery ) and of course the aggressive radiotherapy. If you are interested, click on my name / avatar and read my more detailed profile. The thing is ...... yes, it's a rough journey but you have to try and be strong for your Mum and the family ( a big ask for a young lady, I know ) but don't forget the Doctors and Macmillan are there, too. Take care and all my best wishes.

    Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember
    Thankyou for your posts, today has been a hard day so feeling emotional Lisa, sometimes a good cry is what we both need, seeing how much pain she's in, I told her all the information you gave me this morning, but she's going to see a doctor tomorrow and see what they can say, she wants to quitnbut i hope she will stay strong,I will look on your page Joycee :) xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hello Missy.  Just a bit more to add as you mentioned that your Mum wanted to quit ( presumably the radiotherapy ? ) As I mentioned, the worst of my treatment certainly was the radiotherapy and towards the end I was in so much pain that I also wanted to stop ....... enough was enough. But my hubby persuaded me to go to Christie's anyway ( where I was having the RT ) so I said okay, but no way was I going under that machine again. Anyway, I said as much to the radiologist who passed me onto the specialist nurse ........ blood tests followed and in the end because I was on the verge of collapse from no food and dehydration they admitted me to a ward. So I spent just over a week in there with a nasogastric tube down me for medication / liquid feed, a drip for rehydration and a syringe driver for morphine / sickness medication. Oh and they made sure that I got the last fractions of radiotherapy ! It was a pretty rough time, but they did look after me well and got me through the worst ........ I was eventually discharged with patches, Oramorph, the nasogastric tube still in and the feed pump, etc to manage at home. But I got through it ! So my point being that although it is indeed so very hard, it can be done and the RT has done it's job by killing off any cancer cells.

    I really do sympathise and understand how emotional it is for you all just now because my family also experienced the same. It's true when they say it's a long journey, but please don't feel alone as many of us have been there and are here to help if we can. Take care and stay strong, sending you a hug.

    Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

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