The freedom of normality

2 minute read time.

I am enjoying my freedom now treatment has finished.  Yesterday I rejoined my yoga class after an absence of 6 months. To quote from the ‘Macmillan’ TV advert, yesterday was ‘not all about cancer’. Today I shall meet friends for coffee and a chat. On Sunday my friend and I are taking a trip to an animal sanctuary to get a little bunny as a companion to my dear Google bunny. Both Google and I are very excited.

I am trying to take each day as it comes and no think of the tests in 3 months time. I intend to go away for the weekend next month and my brother will care for my bunnies. Believe it or not I have never had any kind of holiday in adulthood.  1982 was my last holiday, Scotland with my mum and brother. Anorexia nervosa limited my capacity to lead any kind of normal life for so many years.

So now I have a hell of a lot of living to do if I am not to end my days feeling I have experienced nothing of the wonders of this beautiful world. I cannot continue to put things off, to be too afraid to try anything new. So the first thing is a weekend away. I have found a little bed and breakfast place in Newquay, checked the train arrangements and worked out that I can well afford it. I have checked with my brother that he can have the bunnies that weekend and it is only in 3 weeks time so no time to get cold feet. I have never been to Devon or Cornwall and I believe it is beautiful. I want to paddle in the sea, to stand on cliff tops and to smell the ozone. I want to go alone so my enjoyment will not be spoiled by my severe social-phobia which I have suffered from as long as I can remember. That has been as limiting as the anorexia, if not more so. My family have always considered me to be such an embarrassing skeleton in the closet so I am always excluded from family occasions, even weddings, funerals, christenings. I always spend Christmas alone as my family make every excuse under the sun as to why they are unable to accommodate me.  My brother lives 1 mile away but I see him about once a year. I have not seen my 2 nieces for 2 years now.

  • FormerMember


    Sorry to hear your family situation is so broken down but happy to hear you're booking to go away for a break. There's a big, wide world out there just waiting for you. We can't pick our family but we don't have to sit around let it ruin our lives whilst they're just getting on with theirs.

    Glad you've come out the other side of your treatment and feeling so positive.

    Enjoy your time away, you deserve it

    Love Max xx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun well done you !!!

    im sure you will have  a lovely time its funny how you long for the sea breeze on your face i went to the seaside a few weeks ago my friend took me and although it was pouring with rain just standing on the beach made me feel so real and alive if you can understand what i mean have had the same with my family thought it was mended but found out just how broken it is so now i just think sod it i havent got the energy to worry anymore its their loss not mine and its not my immediate family its their partners who caused all the animosity   cause i told the truth well stuff it thats what i say if they cant see the truth in front of them carry on im out of it all now

    right enough of that have a lovely time hope the weather is much better by then and if it isnt it wont matter one bit

    love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey

    Well done in taking the first of what I am sure woll be many positive steps. Hope the holiday works out great, relax and enjoy.

    Take care and dont't forget you have some good friends on here who do want to listen and follow your progress.  Google and his new companion sound like they will have a very loved life and I rekpn they will pay you back with interest.


    John x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Harvey ,So pleased your getting out and about and enjoying yourself ,now treatment is over. Newquay is a beautiful place, had a holiday there a few years ago, have a lovely time.

    Best wishes  Sue  xx