
1 minute read time.

Why do specialists not seem to talk to each other? Dad was put on a Chemo trial after being dianosed with lung cancer. This resulted in him having a heart attack. The heart specialists put him on drugs that as a side effect gave him a cough. He pointed out that his immune system was low and that wouldn't this lead to infection? Few months later infection....second heart attack due to stress we are told...in between all this he had to find answers from his doctor for various things as neither Heart of Cancer specialists talk together he was piecing things together. 

We are at the stage of the second heart attack and they are focusing on the heart first. There is a shadow in his liver which meand the cancer has spread although they won't confirm it.

I love my dad very much and the agony he has gone through and how brave he has been and still is make me really proud. Like most I want answrs. I don't want to see him suffer anymore than he has to.

I hate the uncertanty of not knowing how long we are talking about. I recognise the difficulty to commit and that all are different etc. 

