I am......

1 minute read time.

A woman.

A sister.

A daughter.

An aunt.

A friend.

A bitch.

A Mum - to cats.

A cancer sufferer.

A baker.

A crafter.

A gardener.

A singer.

A musician.

And many other things. However the most recent one, and possibly my favourite, that I have discovered through this site is.......

I am a sandwich! LOL.

I joined the groups here that applied to myself, and then when I go to my groups through my profile, it shows them in an alphebetised list with giant green letters for the first of each line. So I have Bone, Low-Grade Brain, and Thyroid. Making me a BLT! Quite a good sandwich to be if you ask me, because everything is made better with bacon! Right?

Going through life we pick up many labels along the way, some stick with us forever after and some come and go. So I guess it always helps to remember, to remind ourselves - and those around us - that there is more to us all than just 'cancer sufferer'. That is just a part of our whole, and we are all so much more than that. So whenever it seems like it's taking over, and encompassing everything - just take a minute and think about or write down all the labels and hats you wear. Because you are awesome!

What's your list and how many hats do you wear?
