A better couple of days

1 minute read time.

Ray seems to have got back some of his energy, we have been away for a couple of days to the cotswolds- yet another part of Britain I’ve never visited. We did think we were going to have to make the best of it in the rain, but we’ve had brilliant weather although we both have a rather glowing complexion.

We stayed in a lovely small hotel near Malmesbury, which was a converted rectory . It was just like being in a Famous Five story , I kept expecting them to serve lashings of ginger beer. We did have one moment when we thought the roof was going to fall in on us there was such a loud bang – but we found out later it was form two Typhoon planes breaking the sound barrier.

We went for a walk around the town today, which we both thought was beautiful, really nice atmosphere, we both had a bit of an escape to the country moment.We planned to do the 4 mile river walk around the town but directions went slightly awry ( I am no longer allowed to hold the map) and at one time were heading away from town, over some farm land next stop Cirencester!.

It did mean we circumnavigated the sewage works – which strangely wasn’t highlighted on the tourist map. On a better note we did get to pass an interesting red phone box- not quite what you expect when you get to it.

Tonight Ray has headed off early to bed as he is totally shattered but on the plus side doesn’t have any more aches and pains to normal. Here’s hoping for a good weekend
