Feeling guilty today

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I'm in a really horrific miserable mood today, and I feel so guilty about it. I don't feel like I have the right to feel like this when it's my dad that is ill and I'm perfectly healthy, everyone else in the family seems to be holding it together just fine. Trying to put on a happy face and keep positive around him so he doesn't get upset but in reality just want to lock myself in a room and break down. I feel like I'm being really selfish and awful :(

  • FormerMember

    Everything will be alright :D 

  • FormerMember

    Stopped moping now, what a state to get in eh? Must remember to cherish the present moments and not spend every moment dreading the future! 

  • FormerMember

    i was the same the week before my father went in to hopsital to have his lung removed due to cancer. all i wanted to do was break down and cry but i had to put on this brave face for everyone, my dad more than anyone it would have broken him to see me that worried and i just felt so guilty for feeling so lost and angry at myself for feeling sorry for myself when it was my dad who was ill. dont worry your not the only one who feels like that. theres alot of people in your position. if you ever need to talk you know where i am :)